Ah, June! What a bizarre month this has been. Boiling hot one minute, and floods the next! Good old global warming, eh? Anyways, this month has been a fairly slow one, I haven't been out much, so the focus has been on skincare again, with a few other bits and pieces thrown in. To be honest, there aren't that many faves this month, I suppose it's due to the slowness of my month: so slow that I couldn't even spell 'June' properly when I was planning my work!
One thing I have been rediscovering is perfumes! I have been using for about the last 6 months some oil-based arabic perfumes - the oils last longer on my colder than cold skin. But as the weather's warmed up, I've found I can use some of my collection and have them last a fairly long time (for me) on the old skin. So this month, I have been looooooooooooving Paul Smith Rose - I get compliments literally every time I wear this. You can check out my post on it here, including a complete dupe of it for a lot less money! The other of my faves is a new one - the Body Shop Neroli Jasmin. Aaaaaaah it's at this point I wish we had smell-o-vision, or the equivalent. I am predominantly a sweet girl, as evidenced in my Perfume Collection Post, but as I'm getting a little bit older, I crave a little bit of something more heady or musky mixed in with the sweet, and that is exactly what this little bargain does. I just love it, and to be honest I probably love it even more due to the fact I bought it for half price! The last perfume is a total rediscovery, I've probably had it since I was about 10, and was the first 'grown-up' perfume I begged my mum from - I actually first saw it at the lady's house across the road and it is Karl Lagerfield Sun, Moon, Stars. It's super cheap these days so if you want something heady but sweet have a little sniff in the shops.
June has also been the month of the body lotion, which is a huuuugeeeeeee shock to me, I hate body lotion, but after discovering Garnier Body's 7-day Gel-cream, I am converted. It is like water on my skin, but super moisturising, and doesn't leave me with that feeling of I'm sticky I'm sticky which makes me feel sick.
Serums have played a HUGE part this month. My fave at the moment has got to be the Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair (post here) just because the results are so immediate and cumulative. BUT honourable mention has to go to my newest serum - the Manuka Doctor Serum, which may sneak into next month's favourites, and a night serum that I am currently trialling in conjuction with the Advanced Night Repair - the REN ClearCalm 3 Replenishing Night Serum. Also, I am loving the rest of this REN ClearCalm range - I bought the Travel Pack when ASOS were having a beauty sale, and am really enjoying the products so far - will keep you updated.
This month has also been the month of reading! Ahhhh one of my favourite things ever. I was that child who carried around 2 books with her wherever she went in case she finished her current one! Now I have my Kindle I am just in book heaven! This month I've read a little bit of sauce in the form of the Fifty Shades trilogy. I've got to say I loved it. Yes, it is very explicit and sexual quite a lot of the time BUT the interesting thing is the journey the two main characters go on: if you are going to read these, I really recommend that you buy all three together because, each time a book ends you will want to know what happens next.
Next, two more classical books - Peter Pan and Alice in Wonderland: just beautifully written books, even for adults. I am re-reading them because of my dissertation, but I don't think there is a person in the world who wouldn't enjoy reading them for fun. Although they are actually children's literature, there is so much for an adult to take from the books.
TV-Wise, a new discovery - Quints by Surprise. Cutest programme EVER. Even cuter than an old fave - Jon and Kate/Kate Plus 8. Just adorable! Plus the return and finish of Game of Thrones - only 10 episodes? An outrage! I shall be looking forward to the hopeful return of the Borgias soon.
I suppose I can't finish this without a make-up fave, so I'm choosing Avon Earthern Rose Blush. Beautiful for a light or full contour! Plus, I'm super liking a tiny pot of the new Clinique Matte foundation that I picked up - I'll report back in due course!
Hope you liked this months faves, now I'm back off to finish watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!
Love A.x
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